
(36) Life

I'm sorry, I've been writing crap lately.

There were many problems happened in a very short period.
Pasal banyak benda yang ajar I macam macam.

Tapi I malas nak cerita panjangpanjang.

Cukup untuk semua tahu, I am living my life.
Trying to adapt with new environment.
tanpa kawankawan yang konon karib dan baik,
tanpa ex-bf yang selalu datang menjenguk.

My life isn't sucks, anyway.
I have friends that I can laugh and cry with
friends that will stand up for me when I was persecuted.
friends that really friends.

bukannya pentingkan diri.

and I am glad those things happened,
atleast I know who will be my bone
or who is the thorn.